Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The other day one of my friends scolded me for not writing on here sooner... and she's so right! It's been over a month now since I've posted, and it's about time for another update I think!

Cutting up apples for a yummy apple crisp.

With the beginnings of Fall upon us, and the start of the lovely crisp days, I've been inspired in my sewing and so many other projects! I've got a thousand ideas simmering in my mind, but I promised myself I wouldn't work on any of them till I finished up two projects that have been on my to-do list for way too long.

One is another shirt for my Dad like the one I made back in July, and the second (which I can cross off my list now as it's finished!!), was a dress that was supposed to be done back in May for my friend's birthday. Yikes!

I hadn't sewn on the buttons yet, so you can a few pins on the front ;) Looks like I needed to iron it better, too!

It was really kind of laughable as one thing after another came up so that I didn't end up finishing it till last week... it's now become a running joke between us as the dress that didn't want to be made :)  I told Kim when I gave it to her Sunday that I was just spreading her birthday out and making it last longer. Ha! :)

Now that this is done, I just have Dad's shirt left to complete before I can move on to all those other projects I've been dreaming up for Autumn.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but just a few of the things I'd like to work on this fall:

  • knit a sweater 
  • knit few more pairs of thick socks
  • sew a dress for the cooler weather 
  • sew some flannel shirts
  • If I'm feeling really ambitious make a coat
  • weave a bag
  • practice more on sketching & painting
  • learn the banjo
  • bake pies!
The list goes on...

I've recently come to terms with the fact that I have far too many interests! :)

I hope your October has been an enjoyable one so far!

1 comment:

Lillian said...

I know exactly how you feel! I've a laundry list of to-do's!