Thursday, July 7, 2011

summer days

I'm seriously amazed every time I head out to our small little garden to pick cucumbers.... I don't know how it happens, but they must grow a few inches every night, because pretty much every day there are at least 3 or 4 on the vine, ready to be picked. Needless to say we have more cucumbers than we can consume right now. :)

Last week I canned a few jars of dill pickles, and have been letting them sit for the past several days in the pantry to absorb all the flavors. Tomorrow we get to pop open a jar and try them... which I'm really looking forward to. It's my first time canning pickles, so it sure will be rewarding to taste them, knowing that they were home-grown & home-preserved. It really makes me appreciate them more than I would a store bought jar, as I think over all the work & time that goes into one can.


Yesterday, having nothing better to do, I decided to get up a little photo shoot. 

As my room is on the north side, the lighting has a cool toned feel to it, and made me think of cloudy New England summer days... man, I sure do miss Massachusetts!

Looking at the Turk's head bracelet reminds me that I found a great tutorial on how to make one here. I bought mine in MA, so haven't tried making one myself yet, so let me know how it works out for you if you get to it before I do! I was thinking as a variation, leather strips might be fun to experiment with also instead of the cotton cording.

Note: I just switched this blog from one email account to another, so if you notice a few slight changes, it's due to that fact :)


John Allen Photography said...

I remember when my family used to pickle cucumbers. Now we just can tomatoes. Btw, I have that exact typewriter!

Sarah said...

That's crazy funny about the typewriter! I snagged mine at a local thrift store a few years ago for about $12. I was pretty stoked!

John Allen Photography said...

Same here! I got mine at a local goodwill. I can't remember the price, but I believe it was close to the price you paid for yours. I've been meaning to buy a ribbon for it, because there's a place online that sells ribbons for old typewriters. I can't remember where, but my sister's boyfriend knows.

Sarah said...

I'm pretty sure I got a ribbon for mine at Staples. It's not a dual colored ink ribbon, and it's not specifically for a smith-corona, but it works just fine... and was cheap, too - like $5.

John Allen Photography said...

Really? Nice. I'll have to make a trip to Staples then! :)